The Pierrot New Balance Soft/Medium toothbrush special designed with whitening Bands, Active tip (Spiral Bristles) and Ergonomic handle, Those designs are capable of deep cleaning between the teeth and also provide Whitening effect. Each toothbrush has a cover that effectively preserves the brush head, avoiding dirt and bacteria from sticking to the bristles.
User manual:
Origin: Spain
Brand information: Pierrot is a leading Spanish brand specializing in the production of high quality oral care products since 1945. Today, Pierrot is a global brand with presence in more than 55 countries worldwide.
Over nearly 80 years of development, Pierrot has always been creative, constantly learning and researching to launch comprehensive oral care products, from brushes, gels/toothpastes, mouthwashes, fragrance sprays. mouth… combined with natural ingredients such as honey, green tea, aloe vera, bringing outstanding effectiveness but still safe and benign for the whole family.